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All posts in Expanding your newsroom

Keeping your newsroom tidy

If your assignment completion rate is any less than 100% (which is rarely achievable), your newsroom will be accumulating assignments that are no longer ‘in production’, but are clogging up your dashboard and those of your colleagues. While you may want to keep some assignments around in case they can . . . Read more

Increasing content production

A sure-fire way to increase the number of assignments your newsroom is able to collaborate on is to invite regular pitch contributions from all your staff members. By increasing the number of pitches your editors receive on a daily/weekly basis, you increase the opportunities for discussion with the rest of . . . Read more

Expanding the newsroom

Camayak is designed to let you grow your media brand, by offering you the flexibility to expand your staff and increase the amount of content you’re producing for various platforms. An excellent way to involve more people in your newsroom is to set new desks up that cater to their . . . Read more