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All posts tagged best practices

Desk workflows: editing rules and advice

Desks are an opportunity to group people and clarify how they’d like to produce the majority of their content. Only admin users can edit desk workflows and once you’ve decided on your core desks, allowing them to remain un-edited is an excellent way to preserve the infrastructure of your organization, . . . Read more

Download original photo files from Camayak

Camayak automatically creates a low-resolution version of every photo you upload, which can be used when publishing to the web. However,  if you would like to access the original photo file in order to insert it elsewhere (e.g. into an Adobe InDesign template), you may click on the pencil icon beneath the . . . Read more

Uploading and embedding media

In order to upload media into an assignment, please click the media icon in the right-hand column of the assignment overview (or at the top of the page). Anyone can upload media to any assignment at any time. Once media has been added to the media collection of an assignment, whoever is . . . Read more