All posts in Best Practices

Only admins are able to add and edit publishing destinations for your Camayak organization account. When adding a new publishing destination, remember to avoid duplicating a destination you already have listed. Adding a new WordPress publishing destination. Here are the instructions for adding a new WordPress platform: Download the Camayak WordPress plugin . . . Read more
If your assignment completion rate is any less than 100% (which is rarely achievable), your newsroom will be accumulating assignments that are no longer ‘in production’, but are clogging up your dashboard and those of your colleagues. While you may want to keep some assignments around in case they can . . . Read more
In order for Camayak to maintain a comprehensive archive of all your work, we recommend uploading and editing as much of your content as possible within Camayak directly. Edits you make in WordPress, for example, may not appear in Camayak, which could compromise the accuracy of your archive and search . . . Read more
If you’re working on one assignment that’s connected to another, you may open the media tray on your assignment editor to view ‘connected’ media that’s been added to the other assignment(s). It’s an easy way of keeping track of different pieces of work which may have to be combined at . . . Read more