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Expanding the newsroom

Camayak is designed to let you grow your media brand, by offering you the flexibility to expand your staff and increase the amount of content you’re producing for various platforms.

An excellent way to involve more people in your newsroom is to set new desks up that cater to their needs. An Alumni desk for example, is a useful way to group ex-staff and be able to work with them on future assignment ideas (either that you’ve assigned to their desk or received from them in the form of pitch ideas). You could also do the same thing with your mailing list subscribers, by inviting them to become part of your newsroom, either as guests (who can only be assigned work directly) or contributors, who may contribute to other assignments you’re working on already, or be able to claim new work that you offer to their desk.

All you need to invite hundreds/thousands of new colleagues is a csv file with their email addresses.