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All posts by Roman Heindorff

Explaining your Camayak dashboard

Ever wondered how assignments find their way into each of the ‘current’, ‘upcoming and ‘colleague activity’ tabs on your dashboard? This video explains what you’ll need to know to locate assignments quickly. You may also want to check out how to re-order your dashboard tables here.

Approving assignments for WordPress

When a publishing editor clicks ‘approve’ on an assignment, they will be shown a confirmation message, showing them the tags, categories, byline and publishing date/time information for the assignment. The publishing editor can decide to publish the assignment immediately to their website, or can schedule it for publication at some point in the future. . . . Read more

Increasing content production

A sure-fire way to increase the number of assignments your newsroom is able to collaborate on is to invite regular pitch contributions from all your staff members. By increasing the number of pitches your editors receive on a daily/weekly basis, you increase the opportunities for discussion with the rest of . . . Read more

Expanding the newsroom

Camayak is designed to let you grow your media brand, by offering you the flexibility to expand your staff and increase the amount of content you’re producing for various platforms. An excellent way to involve more people in your newsroom is to set new desks up that cater to their . . . Read more