All posts tagged featured
You can invite other users to desk positions and once they’ve logged in, you can give them admin status from the users page. We made a conscious decision not to allow new users to be given admin status on invitation, as admin status is (a) a very powerful thing and (b) supposed . . . Read more
Camayak is designed to let you grow your media brand, by offering you the flexibility to expand your staff and increase the amount of content you’re producing for various platforms. An excellent way to involve more people in your newsroom is to set new desks up that cater to their . . . Read more
Each table on the dashboard can be re-ordered by hovering over the column titles and clicking them. Click again to reverse the direction. Using the desk column, it’s easy to identify what activity is occurring on each of your desks, within each one of your dashboard tabs (‘colleague activity’ is . . . Read more
When assigning someone to a new piece of work, the first person you list will act as the ‘primary’ collaborator. This makes them the person responsible for submitting the first draft and any subsequent back-and-forth passing of the assignment to different people on their desk. We prefer to hold one . . . Read more